In the heat of a conversation, Robb, the Co-founder of PAL, once told me that, "Everything is an art and everything is a science. It's the combination of the two that makes everything work. And don't try to fit into art, make art fit YOU."
His words came after I told him that I wish I possessed his artistic ability. I told him that I wished I could draw and paint just like him. He made me realize, however, that I shouldn't think I lack in artistic ability just because I think my drawings look like something I threw up after a night of drinking. Art and the beauty that stems from engaging in it lies truly in the eyes of the beholder.
Who says that a 5 year old's finger painting is not art? Who says that letters scribbled on a canvas is not art? Who says that a lady putting makeup on her daughter is not an artist? Art in its many forms, whether it be music, poetry, painting, or dance has both intrinsic and extrinsic value. It makes you think, feel, and react. And it shouldn't be limited to just those specific forms of expression. Find what intrigues YOU, what makes YOU think outside the box, and what makes YOU wonder what if.
Unfortunately, in today's society, art comes packaged with a plethora of rules, limitations, and snobbish definitions. We should keep in mind that at the essence of what art is interpretation. Because we're all born and brought up with different cultures, lifestyles, values, and beliefs, we all interpret things differently from the guy next door. What may look deep and inspirational to you may seem shallow and depressing to someone else. The important thing is to respect the thoughts and opinions of others as we stay true to our own. And we should ALWAYS have an opinion of our own. That's what makes us human, individual, and unique.
Lastly, don't ever feel trapped by rules, boundaries, or even fear. Imagine, Create, and Marvel. And always remember to COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES!!
I love how you so eloquently expanded your conversation with the Co-founder into your own interpretation and thoughts. I can't agree more that art/beauty is in the eye of the beholder and especially in a country like America, a melting pot, it's ever more important to be respectful of others' cultures and views. I'm glad you brought your unique artistic perspective to our business class.