The piece to the left, entitled "Michael in Space," was done by Benjamin King, Co-Founder of PAL.
If you could be any person for 1 day, who would you be?! Ghandi, Michael Jordan, President Obama, Jesus, Bill Gates??? Personally (and I truly kid you not), I'd choose to be the King of Pop himself, the late Michael Jackson. And the reason is simple. Even as a kind, I've always wondered, "What the hell is going on in this guy's head?" Was music constantly playing in there? Was he envisioning his next music video? Or was he more human than the media let on and looking for new ways to break barriers and "Heal the World"? Or was his mind with his family - his kids, his mother, Berry Gordy? I'll never know or even fully understand the roller-coaster in MJ's mind, but I'd sure love the opportunity to find out! Maybe it's actually a combination of all my ideas, or maybe I'm not even in the ball park. One thing's for sure though, wherever or whenever his head was, we all knew where his heart lied. He had a strong passion for music, life, love, and family, and unlike many stars today, he wasn't afraid to show it.
MJ was a real person, and it must have been hard being him on most days. Constantly criticized and ridiculed by the public eye, he was perhaps a victim of fame and fortune rather than an icon immersed in it. From his alleged obsession with young boys to his infamous surgeries and questions regarding his sexuality, what more could 1 guy possibly deal with. Maybe he was just chasing a childhood he never had. Or maybe he possessed such a jaded perception of reality that he didn't realize the consequences of his actions. Regardless of what made him do those things, how can anyone deny him, for being the humanitarian and music icon that he was. His achievements speak volumes and should never fall upon deaf ears. He will always be missed and remembered. And I can only speculate he's somewhere, still MOONWALKING his way into the hearts of a new generation of fans.
The media in deed misconstrued everything MJ did in his life. I think he was just a child stuck in a grown up body with hundreds and thousands of eyes constantly criticizing him. He was inspirational and "unique".