Friday, October 16, 2009

Wei-Yu At?!

recently, i've been trying to track down art pieces done by my one of my closest buddies, Wei-Yu "Billy" Tu. we were roommates in college and someone i could kick it with and trust to share personal stories. he's moved back to Asia a couple years ago. i was able to find a few of his pieces, including the two below. my regret is that i didn't keep more of them, as he either stored them with other people or threw them away claiming they weren't good enough to keep. even though he doesn't do much art nowadays i think it's important that those that know him as a talented artist, remember the work he did share with us and also share them with others. So here's to Billy and his talents.

i found Billy doing this piece in our SF apartment in 2005. he was probably on something when he was working on it. he claims that his wandering mind did all the work and that his hands followed suit. he didn't realize till after he had finished that he had drawn multiple faces "on accident." he counted them and found over 20 faces in the picture. unfortunately, i found this piece not well-preserved so the quality was a bit tainted. if you can look close enough, you'll be able to find a few faces still hidden.

Billy had a knack for color. this piece was no exception. who's the girl? and who's the guy in the top left corner? that's for our interpretation, but i'm guessing its a girl he was too ashamed to pursue. what do you think?

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